Pork Chops and apple sauce a meal made popular by Peter Brady from the Brady Bunch. Well, Peter Brady it is time to grow up.

Spiced Praline Pear Sauce with Pork Chops

4 pears, peeled and diced
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2TB Cinnamon
1/4tsp nutmeg

cook these two ingredients in a heavy saucepan on med-hi heat until pears are soft and sugar is syrupy/thickened up. Then add…

1TB butter
stir in until melted. then add…

1/2cup pecans
I like whole pecans..remember pronounced puh-cahn not pee-can…A pee can is something you keep by the bed to pee in.

next add…
1/4cup light corn syrup
again stir in.. then add

1/4cup evaporated milk
bring to a rapid boil for 1 minute then remove from heat and you will have….
Spiced Praline Pear Sauce
Now doesn’t that look good?

Now for the chops, you want something Easy-Peasy.

Place a dallop of EVOO in your frying pan and pan fry your chops (we like the thick ones) with a bit of kosher sea salt and fresh ground pepper. You want them to look something like this…
pork chops

Now it’s time to put it all together and plate…

topped chop

Now that sauce isn’t just for chops, I am sure it would be good on ice cream and pancakes but I guess I will have to make it again. It was so good my husband ate the leftover sauce by itself!

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